when we work together, we are all better off
No one can do this work alone. In fact, approaching this work individually causes harm by perpetuating the status quo there is power in community—engaging and listening to the people we serve, holding space for each other’s strengths, collectively identifying gaps across institutions, and creatively envisioning new ways of approaching the work.
Partnering with postsecondary institutions and community-based organizations benefits students by:
Creating an interconnected network of support that enables us to readily refer students to appropriate resources as the need arises.
Making students feel safe and comfortable by meeting with them on-site where they already receive services.
Our community partners include:
Airport Jobs
Becoming A Man
Bellevue College
Centro Rendu
Clover Park Technical College
Cocoon House
Community Center for Education Results
Congolese Integration Network
EdCAP at Edmonds Community College
El Centro de la Raza
Federal Way Open Doors
Fresh Start
Friends of Youth
Goodwill Youth GED Program
Graduate Tacoma
Green River College
Highline College
Highline School District
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Latino Educational Training Institute (LETI)
Learning Center Seattle
MetroCenter YMCA
The Mockingbird Society
Neighborhood House
New Horizons
New Start High School
North Seattle College
Northwest Credible Messengers
Nurse Family Partnership
Oasis Youth Center
Open Doors for Multicultural Families
Pierce Colleges
Rainer Athletes
Renton Technical College
Re-Op Network
ROOTS Young Adult Shelter
Seattle Central College
Seattle Housing Authority
Shoreline College
Solid Ground
South Seattle College
Southwest Youth and Family Services
Street Youth Ministries
Tacoma Community College
Talley High School
Teen Feed
Tukwila School District
University District Library
U District Youth Center
Willie Stewart Academy
Year Up
YMCA Center for Young Adults
Youth Care